Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grade 8 - Water Conservation Reflections


  1. When we take a shower or turn on a tap, we don’t realize how lucky we are to have fresh, clean water at hand, but if we keep acting like we are now that water will be very distant.

    Water conservation is very important because if we keep wasting water there will be none left and every living thing needs water to survive. The fresh water we do have may not disappear in 20 years or 50 years or maybe not even in 100 years, but down the line it is going to disappear and our generation will be at blame. Therefore, we have to make sure we don’t waste water to save the generations to come.

    Now, I realize how important water conservation is. I also know what I’ve been doing wrong. On paper, my family doesn’t use a lot of water per week, but in reality we do. When we wash our hands we don’t turn off the tap to put the soap on our hands, we let to tap drop sometimes because we don’t care, but now we should. In third world countries we see kids walking 3 km for water and thinking “oh no those poor kids!” However, if you really think about it, that could be us as well as the third world countries, very soon.

    At my house, we use the most water in the bathroom because of all the showers and baths that we take. After a tough basketball or volleyball game, my legs are usually very sore so I like to take a nice, hot, bubble bath with Epsom salts to make my muscles feel better. On the other hand I never realize how much water I’m using and what damage I’m doing to the human race.

    When all is said and done, I strongly believe in saving water, now that my eyes have been opened and I can see what is really going on and that we only have a limited amount of drinkable water. That limited amount is 0.03 %. So, less then 1% of the Earths water is drinkable. There are 6.5 billion people in the world and we all need a little something to drink. Lastly, I think everyone should watch how much water we use because, in years to come, we will all soon regret it.
    By: Kaylee. H

  2. Why is conserving water so important? It seems like we have so much water in Canada. We just turn on the tap in the kitchen and bathroom and then there’s water. We just turn the dial in the shower and then there’s water. About 71% of the Earth is made out of water but, a great majority of that water is not good clean water that is fit for drinking. Living creatures in the world only have access to 0.03% of the Earth’s drinking water. That percentage of water has to be shared between 6.5 billion people plus all the animals that live on this planet also. That shows you why conserving water is a major issue and a necessity.
    When I realized how much water is used in my house which was 8801L per week, I saw how much water that was fit for dinking that was being wasted, and when you think of all the homes in the world, and all the water they waste, that leaves little water for drinking.
    We Canadians are not careful enough with our water. We have children over in Africa that have to walk miles every day just to get water for their family to live that day. We just have to walk a few steps to get a drink.
    To help save on water, you could install aerators on your taps. It doesn’t use as much water as regular taps do. Another way you could conserve more water is to not leave the taps running while you’re shaving, hand washing or brushing your teeth. You could also use a pool cover if you own a pool on your property. It stops the sun from evaporating too much water and it actually does save an awful lot of water in your pool.
    In conclusion, I believe water conservation is a necessity in this world. If we keep wasting all this water, we will not leave enough water to quench everybody’s thirst. We are very fortunate to live in Canada where it seems that we have an unlimited supply of water. When we conserve water, we are saving the Earth and everyone that lives on it.
    By: Brock

  3. Shane. W
    April 8, 2011

    When you go for a shower, what do you think of? Water. What about washing your hands? Water. Everything you do in a daily basis has to do with water. Now, looking back on all the times you let the shower run because it was to cold, or maybe when you’re brushing your teeth. Well each time you do this, you’re wasting an incredible amount of water. Saving the water will help this world we live in to continue providing us water.

    Wasting the water is not a good way to help. If you save water then you will be teaching a lesson too the younger ones who look up too us for guidance. Saving water will improve the way we live. Wasting the water will decrease the chances of keeping the always providing water source from giving us this gift. When this water source runs out what will you do then? You will turn for help and ask yourself “why is this happening? When in reality you know why it is. It’s your own fault. Wasting all of this water for nonsense needs like watering the grass when it’s raining, or when you’re playing with your water guns and you run out of the water.

    All things considered clean water is needed too survive and you can’t live without water. Canada has one of the highest percent of clean water on Earth. There is only about .03 percent of water that is drinkable on this planet, and we human’s waste it like it’s nothing. Think of what would happen if someone from Africa would walk in your house and say that you have a well in your bathroom. What would you say? No that’s just a tap. I use that for washing my hands and brushing my teeth. He would say that’s a waste of water. So, next time you are wasting water ask yourself this. “Is it worth it to waste water?”

  4. Walking hundreds and hundreds of square miles threw deserts searching for available drinking water this could be our future if we do not stop wasting water.

    I have learned that if we keep wasting our water on little things we could run out of water entirely also, I have learned some tips on how to save water like only filling your tub half way up. Furthermore check your taps regularly for leaks because even the slightest drip adds up over time.

    We have taps for the dumbest reasons ever like we have a tap for cleaning our dishes, a tap for washing hands, a shower head for cleaning our selves and so on. If we keep using our water for other reasons instead of drinking we will run out of water eventually. So instead of having taps for washing clothes and so on we should only have one tap in our whole house for drinking and use rain water for cleaning dishes and cloths so you could save way more water also there isn’t only Canadians that need water to live so we need to share the water with all the other 6.5 billion people in the world and there is only about 0.03 percent of drinking water around the world.

    We need to save water unless you want to have no living animals or on the face of the Earth because all living animals need water to survive. Finally, all we need to do is turn the tap off and think “is there any other way to save water right now?” So, turn the tap off and think about how much water you are using and how much other people around the world may need that water more than you.

    By: Connor. C

  5. Have you ever wondered about how much water you are using in your house? In this exercise I learned that if we keep wasting all the water we are wasting now, there will not be a lot of fresh water left. A lot of people in this world don’t have access to fresh water like we do. If we walk into our bathroom, you have 3 fresh water sources. Your sink, toilet and your bathtub. In your house you have so many ways to access fresh water.
    Ways that we could save water is, in your toilet. Why would you waste fresh water for no reason when all you do it is defecate and urinate in it. Why do we need to use fresh water? There are more ways that you could save water in your house.
    In my household I never paid enough attention on how much water my family would waste. As I found out my family would use up to about 4200 liters a week. Ways that I found out to save water in my house was to get a dual flush toilet. On a dual flush toilet you can choose if you want a lot of water or just a little bit of water. Also I found out that if my family cuts off the amount of showers each week that would save a large amount of water.
    In this exercise I learned a lot of useful tips.
    One tip was to never put unwanted medicine down the toilet because when that water goes through the cleaning system, not all of the chemicals come out.
    When water plants we do not need to waste water when we can reuse water.
    In my house I found out that I use the most water in the bathroom. This is because my whole family will take a shower every day, and that would use a lot of water through out the week.
    Yes I would be able to cut half of the water use in my house because if my family wouldn’t take a shower every single day that would save a lot of water.

    Christopher M

  6. Will the earth run dry? Well if we keep wasting water it might. The earth is 71 percent covered in water and only 0.03 percent is water we can drink the rest of it is mostly salt water. So it is very important to try not to waste water. This is a good thing to try doing because right now we are spoiled. We have an unlimited source of water rather then some kids in Africa that have to walk around 5 miles to get clean water when we can walk two feet to get water.

    I have learned that when you take a bath if you only fill the bath tub half full you can safe 250 liters of water. So if you do this over a year you can safe 13000 liters. Also over a one week period the average house hold uses around 6000 liters. So if we cut that in two we will be helping the kids of the next generation. When my family and I made up an action plan to try and save water at my house we chose to take shorter showers, when washing dishes don’t run the water just fill up the sink then wash them and install aerator filters on all sinks. If every one in the world would make these small adjustments we could save a lot of water every year which would not make us worry about not having clean water for a while.

    In conclusion I found out that we have a very small amount of water that we can drink. I find this very surprising because we never really think that the drinkable fresh water supply will end but if we keep wasting water like we are it will. So try to save as much water as we can before it is too late.

    By: Clifford .K

  7. If we were to run out of fresh water, the human race would be vanished of the face of the earth. There would be no animals, no plants and no humans. But it does not have to be this way. There is simple things we can do to conserve fresh water like cutting down on showers and tightening our taps. With Sa water Interactive I learned how to conserve and cutback on water use.

    There are many ways to cut back on fresh water like tightening your shower head, try to limit the number of baths being taken in your house, don’t flush chemicals down the toilet and limit the amount of car washes at a car wash. This is not even a small portion of the things you can do to cut back on fresh water. Doing this might not seem like a lot but if every body does this than the world might not run out of fresh water so fast.

    It is very important that we try to conserve our water because out of all the water in the world we only have 0.03% to drink. That’s less then 1% to drink of all the water in the world. So now you see how much water we drink and use on useless things like swimming pools and just laying in a bath of water when we could be taking showers and saving water.

    If we run out of water we would not stand a day on earth. All the plants would die and we would die of dehydration. But if we can try to preserve our water than it wont be that way. But fresh water is not going to be here for ever if we continue with our curent practices
    Carter Maresh

  8. Water conservation is very important because you just don’t realize how much water you actually use until you actually check it out. It turns out that my family uses more than 8000 L of water per week in the bathroom alone!! That’s way too much.
    I learned a lot of great tips on saving water like how to turn off your taps when not using them, and how changing the length of your shower by only a few minutes can save many liters. Also how checking your taps every week or so can also save liters because if they are leaking then you will be able to fix them before you lose to much water. I liked it how there was so many different things in each room too save water with. It gave you so many different options that it was really easy to find a few that you could improve on in your own house. I think that this website really helped me realize why water is so scarce in the world. If one family can use that much water in one week, imagine all of the families in the world in one week. It really makes you realize how important it is to conserve water.
    There is so much water in the world that we can’t drink, that makes us look very wasteful. If half of the people knew how much water we use in one week in one household alone, we would be able to save lots of water because then people would be informed.
    Now that I’m informed about the lack of water in this world,(you can only drink 0.003 % of the water in the world) I really think that I could make a difference because all it takes is one person to lead by example and more and more people would start to conserve water as well. I hope that more people get informed so that we can keep some of our very privileged clean water.
    By: Cole D

  9. As we turn on a tap, or flush the toilet, we don’t realize how very fortunate we are to have clean accessible water. We often take this for granite, and never do realize how hard some other countries have it. The earth is about 71 percent covered in water but only 0.03 percent of this is drinkable fresh water. Because of this, we should be extremely carful with taking care of our water. Water conservation is one of the biggest things we, as the next generation, should be worrying about. Everyone has to understand, that there will not always be a full supply of water waiting there for us.

    I was shocked to find out that my household uses at least four thousand liters of water per week. After going over the house report, I found that the most water we used was in the bathroom. My family and I had gone over an action plan to save water; we realized that it wasn’t that hard to cut back. We decided to take shorter showers, only use the dishwasher when there is a full load, and only fill the sink up halfway. We also made a resolution to not keep the tap running while brushing our teeth or shaving, and only fill up the kettle to how much water we think we need. Saving water is easier than most people think. If every family made small, little cut backs like that, or just did simple tasks, we could save tons of water.

    Conserving water doesn’t necessarily mean giving up everything in your daily life that has to do with water. You can still enjoy the things from day to day that water has to offer, such as taking baths, only when you do, just fill the tub halfway up. So next time you think about running the tap while bushing your teeth...think again, and remember, we won’t always have this great privilege.

    By: Madison R.

  10. What would we do without fresh water? We would die! That is one of many reasons why we should try harder to conserve water and keep the human race alive. There is only 0.03 percent of water on earth is drinkable.

    In my house my family used a total of 5665 liters that is a lot of water considering on earth we only have 1 percent of drinkable water and most of that we can’t even get to, Also in my house I used the most water in the bathroom because of the time spent in the showers. Everyone on earth should try to conserve water, it’s not that hard to conserve water you could even do really simple things such as: substituting baths for showers. And limit the time spent in the shower by having a timer outside the shower, also you could just tighten the taps of all your sinks so they do not leak. It is just simple things like that that can conserve our fresh water.

    I learned lots of tips on how to conserve water like if you wash dishes in the sink it is better if you have twin sinks to wash them in. and if you install aerators on your taps it can slow the water flow rate by up to 50%. Also a great idea is if you have a rain water tank than it will catch the rain so you can reuse it for watering plants or something else that may take a lot of water. I think that My family would be able to cut our water usage in half because most of our families water is used up in the bathroom because we take so much time in the shower that it uses a lot of water and that is not to mention the toilet.

    All in all on earth we only have 0.03% of water that we can drink for every person so that is why we need to conserve water, and it really is not hard to do it as I mentioned before so try to conserve as much of our worlds greatest natural resource.
    Evan Hubbard

  11. In this project I learned that people in the world don’t have any clean water and we shouldn’t be wasting any that we don’t need. These are some easy ways to save water, take short showers and don’t leave water running, these are just some ways that anyone can save water. I think that water conservation is really important because if everyone wastes water then there wouldn’t be any in the future. This is important because only 0.03 of the world’s water is drinkable. When I counted how much water was wasted in my home I figured out that the bathroom used more than triple the water than any other room, so my goal is to save water in the washroom so it will not be that much and I hope everyone should save water in the washroom because there is a lot of places I the washroom to waste water like the toilet, tub, shower and sink. I think I could cut my water in have if I would get aerator plugs for my sinks and if I could stop the shower head from leaking and the kitchen sink. Also I could take shorter showers instead of turning the hot water on full blast and taking 20 to 30 minutes. More people should use water conserving washers and aerator sinks because they save the water they don’t need so you can save water and money. Everyone can save water easily just by doing something like washing a car in the lawn, turning of sinks or taking short showers or baths. All in all doing this project made me feel greedy because people in the world don’t have the stuff we have so the least we could do is save water and be glad we have so much.

    By: Chris S

  12. In this project I learned that many people in the world don’t have easy access to clean water and we shouldn’t be wasting any that we don’t need. These are some easy ways to save water, take short showers and don’t leave water running, getting a cover for your pool, these are just some ways that anyone can save water. I think that water conservation is really important because if everyone wastes water then there wouldn’t be any in the future. This is important because only 0.03% of the world’s water is drinkable. When I counted how much water was wasted in my home I figured out that the bathroom used more than triple the water than any other room. My goal is to save water in the washroom so I won’t be wasting as much and I hope everyone should save water in the washroom because there are a lot of places in the washroom to waste water like the toilet, tub, shower and sink. I think I could cut my water usage in half if I could get aerator taps for my sinks and if I could stop the shower head from leaking and the kitchen sink. Also I could take shorter showers instead of turning the hot water on full blast and taking 20 to 30 minutes. More people should use water conserving washers and aerator sinks because they save the water they don’t need so you can save water and money. Everyone can save water easily just by doing something like washing a car in the lawn, turning off sinks or taking short showers or baths. All in all doing this project made me feel greedy because people in the world don’t have the stuff we have so the least we could do is save water and be glad we have so much.

    By: Chris S
